
Geist UI now supports a variety of themes, and it is very easy to create or inherit modifications, no third-party styles or configs. As a basic option, there are two themes available, light and dark.

Switch themes

To switch in the default themes you only need to set the value of themeType, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure GeistProvider and CssBaseline are already on the root component.

  2. Update the value of themeType, and the theme of all components will follow automatically.

import { CssBaseline, GeistProvider } from '@geist-ui/core'

const App = () => {
  const [themeType, setThemeType] = useState('light')
  const switchThemes = () => {
    setThemeType(last => (last === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'))
  return (
    <GeistProvider themeType={themeType}>
      <CssBaseline />
      <YourComponent onClick={switchThemes} />

Customizing theme

Customizing a theme is very simple in Geist UI, you just need to provide a new theme Object, and all the components will change automatically. Here is a complete sample for reference.

import { CssBaseline, GeistProvider, Themes } from '@geist-ui/core'

const myTheme1 = Themes.createFromLight({
  type: 'coolTheme',
  palette: {
    success: '#000',

const App = () => (
  <GeistProvider themes={[myTheme1]} themeType="coolTheme">
    <CssBaseline />
    <YourAppComponent onClick={switchThemes} />

Function Themes.createFromLight allows you to fork a new theme based on Light Theme, Of course, you can also create a new theme based on the dark style: Themes.createFromDark, Or create a theme based on your own theme:

const myBaseTheme = { ... }
const myTheme2 = Themes.create(myBaseTheme, {
  type: 'myTheme2',
  palette: {
    success: '#000',

Get types

When you need to know the detailed type definition when modifying the theme, you can refer to the existing type file, which corresponds to project that support TypeScript, you can refer to the type directly in the package:

import {
} from '@geist-ui/core'

// usage:
const myStyles: GeistUIThemes = {
  /* ... */
const myPalette: Partial<GeistUIThemesPalette> = {
  /* ... */



You can override the style by defining a className on the component.

import { Button, Row } from '@geist-ui/core'

const MyPage = () => (
    <Button className="page-button">Click me!</Button>

// in css file:
.page-button {
  padding: 0;

Inline styles

Defining an inline style will also correctly override the component.

const MyPage = () => (
    <Button style={{ margin: '20px' }}>Click me!</Button>

Build components

You can use the Geist preset Hooks to get the theme states to create your own components. For more information, please refer to useTheme documentation.

import { useTheme } from '@geist-ui/core'

const MyComponent = () => {
  const theme = useTheme()
  return (
    <div style={{ color: theme.palette.success }}>
      <span>hello world!</span>

Themes APIs

Themes contains some static methods that are useful when working with custom themes:

  • Themes.create - create a new theme object.
  • Themes.createFromDark - create a new theme object based on Dark Theme.
  • Themes.createFromLight - create a new theme object based on Light Theme.
  • Themes.isPresetTheme - Check if a theme is the base of Geist UI.
  • Themes.isAvailableThemeType - Check if the name of the theme is available.
  • Themes.hasUserCustomTheme - Check if a list of themes has a custom.
  • Themes.getPresets - Get a default list of themes.
  • Themes.getPresetStaticTheme - Get the theme loaded by Geist UI default.